As the season comes to an end, we always find a fun way to celebrate our summer together. Often it involves a bit of food and drink and sitting leisurely around the table together. Sometimes that’s been pizza and bowling and other times it’s been ice cream for dinner followed by a movie. I’ve always wanted to do an escape room or a paint ball fight, but that will have to wait for another time.
This year’s Crinner (crew + dinner) included a wine tasting (while we all pretended to be grown ups) from the Wine Seller and eating a dinner that not one of us made, catered by Café Miranda. It was the perfect way to end a wonderful year.
A huge thanks goes out to all of the crew and volunteers who helped end our season well. Shout out to Sam and Lindsey for taking a day off of their “real jobs” to come help schlep boxes and more boxes. Shout out to Donna Anderson, our super good friend, for her wine expertise and inspiration. Shout out to our crew – you are forever part of the Riggin‘s history! Thanks for taking such good care of our girl!
October 18, 2017 at 7:32 pmHelping with the downfit was our pleasure! We’ll take any chance we can to hang out with all of you wonderful people!
November 7, 2017 at 4:14 pmWell, likewise, Good Lady. Hugs to your guy too!