Glen, a long time Riggin Relic and friend, is often the first to greet me in the morning and I am often the first to greet him, with his cup of steaming coffee in hand. His cup is poured before anyone else’s, one because he’s a guest and two because he’s down in the galley having early morning conversation amid the chopping and slicing of vegetables and fruit in prep for all of the meals of the day.
Food memories come up often as we move in and out of intense work and then a sip of coffee. During one of these moments, Glen shared a memory he had of making doughnuts with his Grandmother who was the long-time cook at Bowdoin College in one of their fraternity houses.
We’ve been talking for two years about making his Grandmother’s doughnuts together. He’d long since shared the recipe with me, from memory, but I didn’t want to make my first batch without Glen. It just didn’t seem right.
Last trip, after another winter had gone by with out making doughnuts together, I put my foot down. We were making doughnuts and we were making them together on the boat. And so we did. And they were fantastic. And I felt full in so many ways!

Glen in my spot pressing out doughnuts.

Cassie and Ian having their first bites!

Cinnamon and sugar on top. Delish.

Note the very important meat fork as a turning tool. Another piece of history carried forward.

An opened can and a biscuit cutter serve as our doughnut cutter.

Our crew – Cassie, Justin (apprentice), Kaitlin and Ian.

Sugar and cinnamon, powdered sugar or plain anyone?

What can I say, would someone help me with my hair for goodness sake?

Team work with a friend. The best.
You rock, Glen.
Eileen Hoffman
June 10, 2013 at 12:54 pmI SO enjoyed the experience through your words that I didn’t even crave a doughnut! How unlike me! Maybe because I’m full from lunch. Thanks for sharing, Annie!
June 11, 2013 at 12:54 amAnnie i think your hair is darling as are you ~~any chance in getting Grandmas recipe for doughnuts posted though ???? smile
June 14, 2013 at 6:09 pmLook at all of those gorgeous smiles!
Annie Mahle
June 23, 2013 at 5:27 amIt was a happy day, wasn’t it?
Nate Rines
June 14, 2013 at 9:36 pmThose are the best doughnuts I’ve ever had. I bet they tasted even better on the boat!
Annie Mahle
June 23, 2013 at 5:25 amNate, wish you, Danica and the girls could have been here to share too! We had the best time creating more memories together. It was so perfect to make them with Glen the first time.
June 23, 2013 at 1:05 pmare you planning on sharing this recipe or was this posting just for the experiences in moments shared ~~? the recipe would be nice for those of us wishing to share our own